Tuesday, April 13, 2004

a vigil... last night i worshipped with my sisters in community, and it was in itself a time of healing... the prayers were long but it was intense... moments of grace flowed as we offered our hearts and spirits to God... it felt like a vigil, awaiting a Person so good, so kind, so merciful to come down and assure us of things we cannot see... the sober voices of faith affirmed our very need to "be still and know" that God IS... real and unmatched in power and majesty...

last night was a test for all of us, and to pass this (test) would ask MORE from us... and if we love Him, we will DO more.

and... to 2 sisters whom i admire: Cheryl T (April 11), and Eleanor (April 9)... you're God's treasures! happy, happy, happy belated B-DAYs!...


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