Thursday, April 01, 2004

surprises... wow, it's been a whole 2 weeks for me and this no-rice 'diet', and it's been cool... although i did try a few tablespoons... it didn't appeal to me though... my tummy's getting used to it, and the next thing you know i'll slim down to my ideal size(!)...

but the bulk of the surprises is in my line of work: ministry... i guess what i find now is that i'll be called upon to complete a task, anticipated yet out-of-the-blue... i get to have deadlines now (yey!), and it seems like my usual load before i worked fulltime... however, the more daunting task now is the getting-intimate-with-people part... i see this as a vital part of ministry, and reaching out when it's hard sometimes tests ME beyond measure... and that's a good thing coz i signed up for this, and i can't see myself doing anything else...

"so... how are YOU?"...


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