Monday, December 29, 2003

from a distance, closer... and so this year ends, and a new year promises many things... personally, my life will take a huge turn in 2004... partly, and initially because i'll be turning 30... it's not the bio-clock issue or anything, but i feel like accomplishing so many tasks next year, beginning with learning 2 sports: skiing/snowboarding, and chess... i've so far succeeded in knowing how to die, albeit in a bloody way, in chess... let's see what winter holds for me (that's rookie to snowqueen please)...

and there's the one-year stint of my missionary parents to Africa... missing them all over again will not be pleasant... *sigh* acceptance and courage plays a major role here...

as well, and excitedly i look forward to the birth of my nephew, aptly named Lorenzo (after the patron saint of the Philippines, St. Lorenzo Ruiz), sometime in the next month or so... coupled with this joyful news is that his parents are moving back in... we'll be a huge family again, despite the obvious absence of grandpa & grandma... the move will be difficult but worth it...

i also plan to travel (again) next year... to New York City... and offer prayers at Ground Zero, watch a few plays, check out metro-urban life, and see my aunt in New Jersey... (this was a generous gift from my parents for accumulating so many airmiles flying to and fro on mission trips... why not use it?... ergo, what a gift!)...

lastly, i believe Jesus will be closer than ever... my need seems greater this time... there's even more in store that i cannot see... any resolutions i will make i will have to DO... then, there would be no need for Christ to walk a greater distance to my heart than He should... although i'm sure He will...


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