Sunday, December 28, 2003

from a distance... yey! i am finally OK... it's 5AM and i just got home... THAT's how well i've become since the 22nd... *sigh* and so far, Christmas has meant more Advent-ish to me than anything... it meant more preparation...

you see, during the Midnight Mass celebration, after reflecting on the birth of Jesus Christ, it dawned on me that He saw us, loved us... from a DISTANCE...

here's a little snippet of fact: Jesus never travelled to towns further than 30 miles from Jerusalem... but according to some research i found on the web, Jesus 'almost' walked the distance around the world at the equator!... amazing feat for an extra-amazing man...

regardless of this information i realized that the longest mile Jesus has to walk sometimes (besides his walk to Calvary) is the distance between his heart and ours... i wonder why... well, maybe it will come to me... tomorrow... or whenever...


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