Tuesday, December 16, 2003

more (questions)... why is it that when help comes to us we tend to curl up and suddenly feel we're not exactly able to handle things on our own?... and why is it that when we help we often hurt than help?... why is it that we screw up relationships when we're attempting to make them better?... why is it that we can't accept brutal truths from people who care?... and why do caring people tend to shoot themselves in the foot when they stand up (no pun intended) for what is 'right'?...

why do fools fall in love when loving is an intelligent choice?... why do we make choices that seem to be the dumbest decisions we ever made?... *shaking head*

we may not be successful in certain things, but what matters is that we tried... and failure is something we try to avoid, sometimes unsuccessfully, everyday...


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