Thursday, November 20, 2003

matrixed... watched "The MATRIX Revolutions" last night with my friends... and i'm still somewhat confused as ever, as far as details are concerned, although visually stimulated... and we had a lot to talk about despite our varying degrees of interpretations... and so the Wachowski Bros. DID accomplish what they set out to do... confuse and conform... ain't that a sweet compromise?...

what i DID get out of this story would be that beginnings and ends are a matter of choice... and that the likely event of one's said choice beginning or ending at a deisgnated point in time will be slightly different if not at all completely similar... a choice, either deliberate or accidental, has a purpose...

AND... out-of-the-box thinking should be a mental exercise meant to construct even bigger concepts, albeit our limited abilities... i think reality and fantasy share a common truth... they either affirm the existence of peace, love, joy --things Mr. Smith detested to the max, or they don't...

i did not find quasi or semi or pseudo religious themes, being an avid fun of noble ideals, but i did find my own beliefs affirmed... and that i was challenged to really go beyond what i see...

"love is not blind, it sees everything, but loves anyway"...


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