Wednesday, November 05, 2003

a new disturbance... lately i've been hooked to a series of books called "The Christians", published by The Christian History Project... and in it i find not only amazing artwork, and jewels of knowledge & history about my own faith, but i see an ominous retelling of the events which for centuries rattled and shook the very core of the Christian belief system --heresy... and today we see this in the world... the media proliferating lies for mere profit and entertainment, seducing the minds of the masses to embrace controversialism, spreading a poison of humanistic indifference into society, from ancient artifacts (the James Ossuary) to modern-day works of fiction (the DaVinci Code) --altogether a subtle and divisive method of attack against Christianity, and againts Christ Himself...

and the other night... in my fears i also realized that God, although unworried, expectant of our shortcomings, did not mean for us or will allow us to ruin ourselves... the point in fact is, God will have His way, and i wish we'd just let Him(!)... becoming a hindrance to and a rebel against an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-seeing God IS futile... and still having known this we still go against... most of us don't even recognize the TRUTH anymore... and like Pilate, who didn't know the truth, will we torture Christ again & wash our hands of him once we're done persecuting him?...

this, in fact, is what troubles me everyday --a new disturbance, a new heresy, a new lie... but i remain one who professes the absolutes of good and of evil, of lies and of truth, of hot and of cold, of life and of death... i pray you, READER, see this before it's too late...


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