Sunday, November 02, 2003

no longer victims...yester-night was the monthly GA of YFC Edmonton, themed the "DRIVEN" GA, and i was asked to help out... we had a full band and everything... we showed the video of the YFC Global Leaders Forum that happened this past August in Manila... and we had some of the RLC delegates share... but what touched me last night was how these kids are finally taking the work seriously... and how the Lord is slowly changing hearts...

the fear i have however is if Jesus will end up finding 'weeds among the wheat'; i hope & pray not... but alas! in the real world we live in, that is to be expected... we become victims of that vicious cycle of nominal Christianity (oxymoron), routine, worldly cares, uncommitted service (another oxymoron), confusion --a powerless prayer life, with no convictions, no drive, no passion... let's just pray those of us who have seen the VISION remain faithful...


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