Friday, October 03, 2003

jetlagged and sober... i'm baaaaaaaaaaack!... but it's all a blur coz i just woke up(!) i could just get used to this only i f i wasn't feeling a little nauseous (ya, that's the sober part)... i am on the verge of an adventure that's already happening... a quest i believe as necessary for my very existence... and no matter what i physically feel, my whole being screams out for a change of pace... (this is REALLY where the sober part comes in)... having been exposed to the mire of poverty and the decadence of my generation, it is an ultimatum i put upon myself to make sure this world becomes a better place... and it will start with me, whether i'm drunk with sleepless nights or awakened by this disturbing light, i will GO...

"the event of the year, the cause of our lifetime"


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