Thursday, July 24, 2003

(out of) words... a friend once asked me how i find things to blog about... and honestly i have many topics i can pick and choose from... they just kind of come at me 3-5 at a time, and i just pick which one i remember to blog about at that moment... like, right now there's about 3 things in my head... and 3 important ones... i value my thoughts, and i value my words even more... this way i can share them instead of having them locked inside, rotting in my subconscious, waiting to exhale, yearning to connect... this is probably why i admire poets, writers, lyricists --modern scribes for ancient truths-- and those who aid the spread of such oral and written beauty are equally brave... a romance of sorts without trying so hard to BE romantic... it's all-natural... and just so i don't forget i'm blogging about words... or the lack thereof... (thank you Jason Mraz, for making lyrical magic!)...


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