Thursday, July 31, 2003

i can't put this book down. i'm even starting to be late for things because of it. oh man! well trusted readers. i hope you're not sick of me yet.

so its already chapter 66 (short chapters) and he's still on the boat. he's learned how to fish and he's manged to tame the tiger which he was so very afraid of earlier. he's very resourceful. intelligent actually. but hey! he's living and thats the good thing.

so now he's fishing and just in survival mode. in a certain page he lays out his day and every step of the way has "pray" but he never mentions to whom. whenever something religious is mentioned, its always mentioned in 3's. i'm wondering if this is intentional (probably is) and how many readers pick up on it. to be honest, there hasn't really been anything thats obviously and utterly life changing about this book.. yet.


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