Thursday, November 13, 2003

blog Yoda... i'd like to thank my newest blog Yoda, Eric, my net-scribey friends, plus other excellent bloggers out there for teaching me i CAN be a better writer... hardwork is way undermined these days with laziness and convenience in one's reach... i have been looking into ways of making my blogs shorter than usual, but filled with depth... instead, i've just been recycling day-old and archived deposits from my albeit sometimes short-term memory... English, although used worldwide, is underutilized (i hope that's a word!) and abused... (i wish i had Henry Higgins' passion for this grand mother tongue)... i hope to change my ways soonest than later... i may need a good regimen of books, books and more books... so far, my day consists of sleeping in, and watching movies --based on books... see, i'm slowly improving... emphasis on 'improving'...


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