Friday, November 14, 2003

secrets and the freedom of expression... for goodness sake, why post stuff that could incriminate you?!... i ask you, reader, although one is free to speak/'write down' his or her mind, does it validate the abuse an innocent web-passerby experiences in surfing the virtual community?... do i HAVE to know who you slept with yesterday, or if you inhaled in the 70s?... unless you're sincerely confessing to the all-compassionate public and expect applause or forgiveness, DON'T blog about it, regardless of others' oh-so discriminate tastes... but then how does one know if the truth was ever published?... the poli-corr terms i understand are: modifications, embellishments, upgrades, downgrades, addendum, etc... the fact: we call them 'white lies' in our century... a lot of them can eventually catch up to you... secrets are meant to be exposed... on YOUR terms... and how you express them measures your own understanding of real freedom... or you can also count how many people (still) respect you after all that... tell me, how do i earn YOUR respect?


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