Wednesday, June 26, 2002

(i never got to watch A Knight's Tale last night; too tired/sleepy, picked up my other bro from work) ...i'm at work right now... just updating my blog... i hope ma sistahs join my blog team... *ecstatic* ya, it's lunchtime, and i have only half-an-hr left to eat something, although i'm not really that hungry... (thanks Tita Tess for the pasta baon but i forgot to bring it today) ...this weekend's gonna be a bust(!) ...starting Friday night i'll be out, then Saturday whole day, i could be working 3 hrs (maybe), or preparing for our guitar workshop set for the afternoon, then at night, bridal shower(!) *nervous* ...Sunday, maybe rest coz Monday i have to work... yey! time & a -half! ...this way i can save up for any travelling i want to do... *dreamy sigh* ...i'd love to go to Belize or Bora-Bora or Bali some white sandy-beach island somewheres away from the hustle and bustle of metro-life... i pray God gives me that opportunity... He knows best...


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