Friday, June 21, 2002

o what feeling! just got back from driving around Richmond (in Tito Nick's Honda Accord; love the stereo & AC! --but i scratched the bumper-- d*** it!) and reorienting myself with the streets and roads i used to roam a lot when i used to live here... *reminisce* ...but ya, it's been good weather... so, today this morning i went to Mass at St. Joseph the Worker with my parents and Tita Norma (my o so cool ex-SFC head, now a fulltime mission worker for CFC!), then dropped my Dad & Mom off to get a haircut somewhere, while Tita Norma and i went grocery shopping at T&T... (man, Richmond has changed a LOT!) ...but the food's still great! ...after that i went back to pick up my parents and man! i scratched this tall green pole while leaving the driveway *sheesh!*, but ya i felt so bad, and well i'll confess that to Tito Nick later --aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!-- i dunno what's up with my driving lately... plus i have this throbbing headache on the left side of my head... could that be temporary nerve damage from not knowing where my left and right is? --aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!-- *sigh* ...but once i got to the hairdresser, my Dad buffed the bumper a bit, and it looked fine... my Mom then showed me what this hairdresser was doing with her eyebrows... (a floss? plucking her hairs?)'s called threading, a technique used in India, where she, Cynthia Lee, was from... yes, she is Chinese, speaks fluent Hindi and Cantonese... is that so cool or what?! ...and so i ended up on the chair, having my eyebrows threaded *shudder*, chin & upper lip waxed *woah!*, and a bit of my hair layered/trimmed (thanks for the advice Maan!)... i look different, and feel good! if she didn't have such a nice house i could take her home to Edmonton and be my personal hair care specialist... NOT!, ya if my friends are ever in the Richmond area, they should see Cynthia... tomorrow i show off my new face... hehehe...


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