Friday, March 14, 2003

uhm, let's see... yesterday was good... watched "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" for the first time... and wow! i was blown away! not so much from the special effects and cool stunts, but of the sheer genius some writers can be... Tolkien and those like him who express the truth, in a subtle yet fantastic albeit weird manner... but as Pilate concluded, "What is truth?"... for me it was blinding yet it opened my eyes, it was a sword through my heart yet it soothe my very core, it stung like poison yet it felt like new blood in my veins, i was lost at some point yet i found meaning, i felt drained yet i believed in its message of hope... besides being excellent eye candy, LOTR is good writing... and that is the truth... (now if i could just have a friend like Sam, a grandfather like Gandalf, an ally like Aragorn, and a husband like Legolas --hm, hm, hottie---)... and finally, the sun is here! a cool +4 degrees and slushy roads make me wanna wear a lot of white... which is the color of our van now, after spending some quality time with the local waterhose at a Hughes carwash... TGIF... the weekend will see snow but the temp will still be awesome... as for my blog, it will be white too, at least for the weekend... i'll blog all about it when i get back to my work mode on Monday... *drumroll* "Live-In" begins tonight... ref-med-think mode starts... right... now...


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