Thursday, August 15, 2002

i recently rented "The Lord of the Rings" first installment of a (definitely cool) trilogy... and i got a clear message about having faith in people... despite what we cannot see or touch we know in whom we put our trust... and that striked me in the core of my own value system... in this barren world of ours, where trust is conditional and love is blind, will i recognize truth? the ring in my life is my own darkness... when i couldn't see the light until it bites me in the ankle... this movie, besides the awesome scenery and computer graphics, and cute cast (i love Legolas!), inspired me to be trusting... but aware of the many lies that can make me stray... just because we can't see God does NOT mean He doesn't exist... and just because we can avail of power, fortune and fame does NOT mean it can buy us happiness --permanent happiness, i mean... "All things are possible for those who believe...." Fourth Conversation, Brother Lawrence...


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