Monday, July 29, 2002

tonight, i'm just chillin'... 'finished WYD with a greater sense of purpose, and an equally daunting, frightful task ahead of me --loving and giving without measure-- for the sake of the call... and it is a process of discernment well on the way to completion... i learned this during the conference and during WYD... God confirmed a lot of things for me, and it scares me now to just think of it... i will be taking risks, and i will be vulnerable, but content in my Father's grace... a lot of prayers were answered, and some were not what i expected... i am forever grateful to my God who spent eternity creating me... i am forever grateful to my God who is in love with me... i am forever grateful to my God who forgives me... i am forever grateful to my God who has set me free... much has happened this weekend, and i have been thinking A LOT about life, death and love... i mean, in my life whom have i loved? in my death will they realize my love for them? what is my mission, Lord? where do i go from here? wherever the Spirit blows, the answer is... SHOUT OUTS: to Pope John Paul II, bless you Holy Papa! you are a tremendous inspiration to us all! Godspeed in your travels and missions!... to Katrina, babe i'm proud of you and i love you dearly mah sister; give your all to God first, everything will come next... to the Paredes family (Tito Beppo, Tita Yeyel, Christine, John & TJ), thanks for hosting me & taking the time to fuss over what i need during my stay... to the Alonzo family (Tito Alex, Tita Eve, Diane, Xel, and Vlad *and Toby the cat*), thanks for opening your home to me; your openness helps me to be more generous... to Sean (Cathy's friend), thanks for the charity; keep playing that organ... to that sweet old lady on Keele & Wilson, for the cold water you provided us, you're an angel... to Chinky, Bambi, Cathy, Orly & Nie-Ann, muchos thanks for listening to my 'story' and for helping me decide my next 'move'... watch out world... here i come...


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