Tuesday, August 13, 2002

hmmmm.... ever wonder how people who profess that God does not exist seem to become instant prophets when faced with difficulty (or maybe shocked disbelief in recent world events)? God is everywhere, especially in our speech... with the 'almighty' exception of the US dollar, printed proof of an existence of a higher power... we swear by God in courts, and when we make promises (which we sometimes have difficulty keeping)... we d*** the world to God when all is hopeless (or when bills are overdue)... we call God ours when faced with extraordinary circumstances (or maybe when we can't get over the reality of abortion doctor assassins... oh my G**!)... so, what is this society really about when it comes to the Holy, Unspoken Name? are we a people of FAITH, professing our beliefs in public for all to see His glory? or are we the stringed puppets of an amoral, material-driven, compromising, Orwell-visioned consciousness? consider this Utopia we've created, and judge for yourself...


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