Friday, May 09, 2003

belief (in the) system... hm... once again, my co-workers opened up the GOD-topic... and this time they invited me to put in my few cents... and voila! as i knew would happen, it would engage us in an interesting vortex of "this-is-what-i-believe-and-this-is-what-you-believe"... one lady was 'adamant' (she was already turning red) that i can never know such things to be true, and i said it's heart knowledge, a mystery, a thing called faith, NOT head knowledge... absolutes were my trip in this triple-logue, and of course i said i am convicted in my beliefs regardless of what anyone says... as for who's right and who's wrong, that's a question one should never ask a practicing Christian unless they're ready to accept the answer (or just end up like Pilate, who never knew what the truth was --Jesus gave a brilliant response which was over his oh-so-limited human mind)... overall though, this discourse is good for the brain... furthermore, i am happy because at least someone's talking about God again... "God, do have pity on them, they're bored at work and have nothing else to do."


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