Thursday, October 21, 2004

caught up, catching up... the dangers of leaning towards any one idea is that it could just be the wrong idea... lately i've been thinking (and recently broke wind) of me in married life... and of course jumping into this conclusion will cost me heartache IF it was never for me...

as noted from last night's round table discussion with my dearest friends, yes these days i must consider the ff:

a) prayer is key --God has the blueprint of my life; His will comes first
b) be open --setting myself up for disappointment is NOT one of the options
c) choose or be chosen --in the event that i am called for marriage, i must marry for love, not to ease my fears, or be swayed by emotion

as much as it was an aftershock for me that i shared this openly, i'm glad i did because maybe i just needed to refocus... last night, affirmation was not my goal but i just needed to express where i was, and that if my friends knew it they will help me along... whatever vocation God leads me to... all i know is this is an area i wish to explore more... in His time.


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