Tuesday, June 17, 2003

stand by me-ishness... recently i've been watching Buffy, The Vampire Slayer (Season 4 DVDs) and it left me with questions: will one stand alone, or will others stand by each other?... solitaire or poker?... and i have had both of these experiences; sometimes i'm alone and sometimes i have company... i'd be in a roomful of people and feel utterly isolated from the rest of the world... and sometimes being alone is the best thing to do on a lazy afternoon, allowing myself to rejuvenate, reflect, recall --and raid the leftover (mint --my fave!) ice cream in the freezer... i am content with and having a few faithful friends... i was just with one of 'em last night... we talked for hours; we thought it was still late afternoon(!)... i can't remember the last time i had a fine time, just chillin', sipping good (iced --it's summertime) coffee, in an artsy café, sitting on comfy sofas, chatting endlessly on different topics (besides the usual religion-politics-s** subject triangle), occasionally getting interrupted by washroom breaks (apparently coffee makes you pee a lot), and 'strange' men... and maybe if we were in a restaurant, bottomless iced tea & curly fries would be super helpful too... the only question was whether we would keep talking 'til morning or not *sigh* the awesome thing about last night was i needed to 'vent', and she made time... i was touched... i felt at ease, i felt strong, i felt alive, i felt loved... and that's all one needs sometimes... life is simple because it's simply, life...

kumare, if you're reading this, thanks... i love you for this and 'hope to return the favor someday... i'm blessed to have you as my friend... if and when you find your Prince Charming, your One True Love, your Soul Mate, your Destiny --should i stop now?-- your Valentine, your Snookums --ok i'll stop now-- he will know how lucky he is in having you in his life... you have much to give, and we've all be recipients of your kindness...

attention: guys, please take notice that there are a lot of cool girls out there who have self-respect, drive and determination who are able to match wits with anyone, and yet can wield an even stronger force called LOVE... my advice is 'do check 'em out'... we're worth your time and effort...


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