Tuesday, March 15, 2005

miracles & milestones... this weekend i witnessed what i've been praying for, for such a long time: God took his place... and He was exactly where he should be.

affirmed & convicted, my life will forever be changed, driven to excel, no matter what the price. if i never risk anything precious (to me), one cannot expect me to offer anything equally precious. my life is a rare gem, a diamond in the rough, a whisper in the storm. i will give it away. gain or pain, i walk this lonely planet praying for light & hope, reaching out to the hand of a perfect stranger, made in God's likeness.

the miracle this weekend was the response of 160 single men & women, fearless martyrs, willing & able in God's strength. the milestone was the first step each feet walked, the first thump each heart beat, the first yes each lip uttered, the first move each soul made...

...and God will always Be.


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